A high-flying London tech entrepreneur rocked up to No. 10 in shorts and Ed...
A high-flying London tech entrepreneur turned up to Prime Minister David Cameron's house on Thursday evening wearing shorts and trainers after being invited to help choose the next "Founders of the...
View ArticleA MIT computer scientist created a Donald Trump Twitter bot — and it's oddly...
Donald Trump has mastered the art of the one-liner.The US presidential candidate now has a Twitter bot twin that tries to mimic his signature soundbites.The bot tweets Trump-like statements using an...
View ArticleThe CEO of Google DeepMind is facing his biggest challenge to date (GOOG)
This week, Demis Hassabis, the CEO and cofounder of artificial intelligence (AI) company DeepMind, is in South Korea hoping that an AI created in a discrete office in London’s King’s Cross will...
View ArticleEric Schmidt: Advances in AI will make every human better (GOOG)
Eric Schmidt, the chairman of Alphabet, Google's parent company, believes that breakthroughs in artificial intelligence (AI) will make every human on the planet better in some way.Speaking in South...
View ArticleDavid Silver: The unsung hero and intellectual powerhouse at Google DeepMind...
If you're familiar with DeepMind — the research-intensive London startup that's taken on the best player in the world at notoriously complex Chinese board game "Go"— then you've probably heard of Demis...
View ArticleGoogle just made artificial-intelligence history
Google just made artificial-intelligence history.A program called AlphaGo, designed by Google's DeepMind artificial-intelligence team, just won a game against Lee Sedol, one of the world's greatest Go...
View Article8 industries robots and AI will completely transform by 2025
Just as ATMs changed banking and computers took over the home and workplace, robots and artificial intelligence are going to transform a bunch of industries over the next decade.By 2025, a machine may...
View ArticleAn ex-Pentagon official thinks 'killer robots' need to be stopped
The dystopian war between robots and humans of the "Terminator" films is probably not going to happen, but there is still reason to worry about so-called "killer robots."A new report by Paul Scharre of...
View ArticleExperts explain the biggest obstacles to creating human-like robots
Artificial intelligence (AI) became a scientific field almost 60 years ago. Ever since then, researchers have tried to achieve human-level smarts or better.Yet even with recent feats of computational...
View ArticleThis one paragraph will make you appreciate your brain — and laugh at...
Google has just reached a milestone for artificial intelligence (AI). AlphaGo, a program designed by the company's DeepMind AI division, just beat Lee Sedol, a world champion Go player.It's another...
View ArticleROUND TWO: Google's DeepMind AI just beat a human Go champion for a second time
Google's DeepMind AI just beat a human world champion at the ancient game of Go for a second time, cementing its historic achievement.The AlphaGo software played Lee Sedol in South Korea on Thursday,...
View ArticleA top computer scientist told us the games that artificial intelligence can't...
Google's DeepMind artificial intelligence team is making history.Its AlphaGo program is up 2-0 on Lee Sedol, one of the top Go players alive. This is the first time a computer has beat a human champion...
View ArticleNow that Google's artificial brain is conquering Go, this classic computer...
Google's DeepMind just won its second of five games of the classic board game Go against a top-ranked world champion — a feat that impressed even Elon Musk.Now that Google has proven that the DeepMind...
View ArticleOver a third of people think AI poses a threat to humanity
Some 36% of people think the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) poses a threat to the long term survival of humanity, according to a YouGov survey for the British Science Association that was...
View ArticleAn AI expert says Google's Go-playing program is missing 1 key feature of...
For the first time in history, a computer program is poised to beat one of the world's best human players at the 2,500-year-old game of Go — widely considered one of the most difficult games ever...
View ArticleHumanity's best Go player finally beat Google's AI for the first time (GOOG)
Google DeepMind's AI was beaten by Go world champion Lee Sedol on Sunday in the fourth game of the Challenge Series tournament.It's the first time that Sedol has managed to beat the computer.Google...
View ArticleArtificial intelligence isn’t just technology — it’s also a religion
I spend a lot of time covering advances in artificialintelligence. It's one of the big stories of our time,— so much so that the White House has said it will remake our society.On Wednesday, I attended...
View ArticleThe 21 smartest AI scientists working at Google DeepMind (GOOG)
Google DeepMind, a group of approximately 200 people aiming to "solve intelligence" in London, is arguably one of the most interesting AI companies operating in the world right now.DeepMind made...
View ArticleAI 4, HUMAN 1: Google DeepMind beats Go champion Lee Sedol in a tense final...
Google DeepMind's AI has won the fifth and final game of Go against human world champion Lee Sedol.Lee played as black for the first time in the tournament — possibly to try and confuse the AlphaGo AI...
View ArticleA lot of people who make over $350,000 are about to get replaced by software
Artificial intelligence is poised to automate lots of service jobs. The White House has estimated there's an 83% chance that someone making less than $20 will eventually lose their job to a computer....
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